Showing Up and Showing Off!
Since it first emerged in 1935, Bundaberg’s oldest radio station has embedded itself in Bundy culture. 4BU prides itself on being local for locals, and “local” is always at its very best at the Bundaberg Show. 4BU’s Big Breakfast Show host, Vic, was on the scene at the Bundy Show, broadcasting live amidst the stalls, rides and happy crowds.
We had new friends and life-long 4BU listeners alike coming up to our table to put a face to the voice they’d been waking up to every weekday morning, and during our outside broadcast, we even spoke to major event organisers to promote the wonderful work they’d done on this iconic local Bundy event this year. 4BU is all about community and getting out to meet the locals; we’ll be seeing you very soon at our next outside broadcast near you!