
The Big Sing for World Mental Health Day

Community Events

Event Contact

user Shelley Pisani

Event Details

Event Date
10/10/2023 7:00 pm to 10/10/2023 9:00 pm
Event Location
Moncrieff Entertainment Centre
Event Price
attach_money $5

10 October is World Mental Health Day which aims to raise awareness of mental health issues across all communities and support events and activities that contribute to social and emotional wellbeing. This event is presented by Bridges Health & Community Care, your local mental health service provider that has been assisting individuals and families for over 26 years to lead more valued and fulfilling lives, and broader issues such as stigma, access to services while designing innovative programs that lead to greater self-determination, inclusiveness, and long-term health and wellbeing. We know that singing increases natural oxytocin and decreases cortisol (lowering stress). It physically helps to improve your posture and lung capacity. We are bringing our community together in song under the leadership of the fabulous Christie McLucas who will guide us in learning part harmonies to collectively sing a contemporary chart topper. Shower and car singing experience accepted! You do not need to be an experienced singer (or even good at it) to enjoy this event. Patrons agree to be filmed as part of the collective choir performance at the end of the evening. Anyone who does not want to be filmed should seat further back in the auditorium.
