Competition Dates
Opens Monday 6th February
Test your ears each day when we play 4BU's Secret Sound!
Do you think you know what is it?
Guess the Secret Sound correctly and you’ll win the cash jackpot.
Give Vic on The Big Breakfast a call to see if you’ve got it!
Clues: Important, Two-Piece
Current Guesses:
Snapping a biscuit
Popping a tablet out of a blister pack
Wrapping a Christmas present
Opening a wine bottle
Opening a carton of eggs
Closing a window
Cracking a nut
Unboxing a package
Using a stapler
Cracking an egg on the side of the pan
Opening a briefcase
Locking your car
Unscrewing a water bottle
Pulling the tab to open a box
Closing a filing cabinet
Opening/closing the blinds
Pulling out the bung in an esky
Locking the screen door
Opening a letter
Putting down the toaster
Unlocking a padlock
Using an inhaler
Clipping on a dog leash